
By-law for International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan

The following by-law is applicable to students who are enrolled in the International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as the Program) in or after academic year 2013.

2.  Admission Requirement
The Program admits students who hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Education (MOE).

3. Duration of Study
Students must complete their study within four years of registration; on-the-job students may extend the duration to one more year.

4. Curriculum and Course Requirement:
M.A. students in the program must complete 24 credits of coursework, excluding the thesis. Course requirement is as follows:

  1. Required Courses: Introduction to Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (3 credits) and Research Methodology and Thesis writing (3 credits); exact course titles will be listed in course schedule each semester.
  2. Students are required to choose one specialty area from the four major research concentrations in the Program–“Critical Theory and Asian Modernity,” “Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements,” “Gender/Sexuality Studies,” and “Visual Culture Studies”–and take at least 9 credits in that chosen concentration.
  3. Upon approval by the advisor or Program Coordinator, students may take courses outside the Program; maximum 9 credits can be considered for transfer for IACS-UST graduate programs.
  4. For students re-admitted to the Program after a period of absence, courses taken prior to the re-admission may be recognized according to corresponding University regulations.

5.  Thesis Advisor

  1. Upon completion of three semesters of coursework, students may obtain Thesis Advisor Application Form from the Office, secure the signature of the chosen advisor, and submit the form for approval by Program Coordinator. The same procedure applies to change of thesis advisor.
  2. Cross-campus advising should follow regulations set by respective Universities.
  3. As a principle, Program faculty members at and above the rank of assistant professor can serve as thesis advisors.  Advisors from institutions outside the UST may be allowed upon approval by the Program Committee.

6. M.A. Thesis proposal review

  1. Master students who have completed 18 credits can apply for thesis proposal review. Thesis may be written in Chinese or English.
  2. Students should turn in their thesis proposal, signed and approved by their advisor, three weeks prior to the thesis proposal review.
  3. The thesis proposal review committee is composed of three faculty members of relevant expertise, selected by the advisor and the Program Coordinator, with the advisor serving as ex-officio member.  The Program Office will announce the time, place, and thesis topic to be reviewed one week prior to the review date.
  4. An interval of three months is required between approval of thesis proposal and the official degree examination.

7. Degree Examination

  1. Application to take the degree examination must be submitted to the Program Office before the deadline specified on the academic calendar of respective universities.  Required documents include: one copy of official transcript, one copy of the thesis including an abstract, one recommendation letter from the thesis advisor, Degree Examination Committee member list, as well as the Thesis Defense Application Form.
  2. The degree examination is conducted in accordance with respective University Regulations on Master’s Degree Examinations.

8. Awarding the Degree
Student who has completed the required master’s degree curriculum and credits, submitted the thesis, and passed the review by the master’s examination committee shall be awarded the master’s degree by the university in which the student is registered.

Student who failed to pass the degree examination or complete the required master’s degree curriculum and credits within required duration of study is advised to withdraw from the university.

All matters not covered by the present by-law shall follow other existing rules in respective universities.

This by-law is passed by the IICS-UST committee and Course Committee Meeting of member universities of the UST; the same procedure applies to all amendments.