余庭煇教授專題系列演講 (中央場) 講題: 全球性視野思索恐同:來自香港的觀點

講題: 全球性視野思索恐同:來自香港的觀點
主持人:丁乃非 (國立中央大學 英美語文學系教授&亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程主任)
時間:110 年 10 月 05 日(二)1000-1200
地點:國立中央大學文學院一館 A-302 會議廳

ZOOM LINK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85339453171?pwd=eU42bmp5akZHTjZYMDZFbTNuRFVvdz09 (密碼:j8QfL8)


* 本演講以英文進行 *

Reconsidering homophobia globally: A perspective from Hong Kong

This paper reconsiders existing frameworks of homophobia in queer Asian studies by highlighting how they are complicated by globalising processes. Specifically, it formulates a class critique that fosters productive tensions between global queering discourses and a Chinese homophobic order affecting Hong Kong and other ethnic Chinese societies. Based on field research on Hong Kong gay men’s subjective constructions of homophobia, it highlights an unequal cosmopolitan condition that enables the middle-class research participants to see, while excluding their working-class counterparts from seeing, Hong Kong as a gay-friendly city. Drawing on the geography of sexuality and the sociology of class and mobility, this paper moreover argues that Hong Kong is a significant site for understanding multidirectional flows of queer globalization.