延續去年廣受好評的秋季系列演講對種族、障礙、性的批判介入,今年度「中央亞際」首場公開講座邀請到重磅學者 Sony Coráñez Bolton 來訪,談談菲律賓脈絡的 #mestizaje 話語生產如何深刻糾纏於帝國/殖民形構的障礙政治。
In this talk, I will briefly outline the interventions of my first book Crip Colony (Duke 2023) which attempts to give an account of the confluence of mestizo politics in the Philippines and how the discourse of mestizaje offers a framework to understand the colonial afterlives of disablement. In doing so, the book contributes to a burgeoning field of Asian diasporic crip critique which confronts the intersections of migration, colonialism, and the strategic in/capacitation of Asian-descended subjects often residing in the major settler colonies of the world. The talk will then transition to thinking about the theoretical and historiographic contributions of ethnic studies in problematizing the in/capacitations and disablements central to the project of colonial racial capitalism. I will do so through the case study of racial misrecognition, which I explore in my forthcoming book Dos X: Disability and Racial Dysphoria in Latinx and Filipinx American Cultures (Texas UP).
Sony Coráñez Bolton is associate professor of English & Spanish and chair of Latinx and Latin American Studies at Amherst College. He is the author of Crip Colony: Mestizaje, US Imperialism, and the Queer Politics of Disability in the Philippines (Duke 2023). It demonstrates the ways that colonialism and disability are part of a unified ideological structure in Philippine mestizo politics. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Critical Ethnic Studies, Journal of Asian American Studies, Periphêrica, and Verge: Studies in Global Asias. He is currently finishing a second book project entitled Dos X (the University of Texas Press) which concerns the intersections of Latinx and Filipinx culture, disability, history, and politics. It argues that racial misrecognition is an epistemology unto itself that helps to diagnose the ableist dimensions of racial capitalism.
主辦單位: 國立中央大學亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(台灣聯合大學系統)|國立中央大學性/別研究室
合辦單位:國立中央大學英美語文研究所 National Central University Department of English|台聯大文化研究國際中心|台聯大文化研究跨校碩博士學分學程|國立中央大學高教深耕計畫