
By-law for International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan

第1條.  本修業辦法,適用於102學年度起入學之亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(台灣聯合大學系統)學生。
The following by-law is applicable to students who are enrolled in the International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as the Program) in or after academic year 2013.

第2條.  入學資格Admission Requirement
The Program admits students who hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications recognized by the Ministry of Education (MOE).

第3條. 修業年限Duration of Study
Students must complete their study within four years of registration; on-the-job students may extend the duration to one more year.

第4條. 修讀課程及學分Curriculum and Course Requirement:
M.A. students in the program must complete 24 credits of coursework, excluding the thesis. Course requirement is as follows:

  1. 必修課程「亞際文化研究導論」3學分、「論文研究方法」3學分。詳細課名請見當學期課表。
    Required Courses: Introduction to Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (3 credits) and Research Methodology and Thesis writing (3 credits); exact course titles will be listed in course schedule each semester.
  2. 專業領域選修9學分:學生應根據其研究發展方向,於本學程之「批判理論與亞洲現代性」、「當代思潮與社會運動」、「性/別研究」、「視覺文化」重點研究群中選定一專業領域,並選修至少9學分。
    Students are required to choose one specialty area from the four major research concentrations in the Program–“Critical Theory and Asian Modernity,” “Contemporary Thought-trends and Social Movements,” “Gender/Sexuality Studies,” and “Visual Culture Studies”–and take at least 9 credits in that chosen concentration.
  3. 選修學程外課程,納入畢業學分計算以9學分為上限,需獲指導教授或導師簽名同意,並由各校辦公室核備。
    Upon approval by the advisor or Program Coordinator, students may take courses outside the Program; maximum 9 credits can be considered for transfer for IACS-UST graduate programs.
  4. 重考或重新申請入學,依照法令規定先修讀學分後考取修讀學位之研究生,得依各校規定酌情抵免。
    For students re-admitted to the Program after a period of absence, courses taken prior to the re-admission may be recognized according to corresponding University regulations.

第5條. 指導教授 Thesis Advisor

  1. 學生於第三學期結束前選定論文指導教授,填具指導教授申請單,由各校辦公室主任核定後繳回學程辦公室。學生在論文過程中若需更換指導教授,應依照同一程序重新提出申請。
    Upon completion of three semesters of coursework, students may obtain Thesis Advisor Application Form from the Office, secure the signature of the chosen advisor, and submit the form for approval by Program Coordinator. The same procedure applies to change of thesis advisor.
  2. 跨校指導依各校規定。
    Cross-campus advising should follow regulations set by respective Universities.
  3. 研究生之論文指導教授以本學程助理教授以上擔任為原則,學生論文需請本學程以外之助理教授以上擔任指導教授者,需經學程委員會議同意。
    As a principle, Program faculty members at and above the rank of assistant professor can serve as thesis advisors.  Advisors from institutions outside the UST may be allowed upon approval by the Program Committee.

第6條. 論文提案M.A. Thesis proposal review

  1. 本學程碩士生修滿18學分時得申請論文計畫提案審查,論文得以中文或英文撰寫。
    Master students who have completed 18 credits can apply for thesis proposal review. Thesis may be written in Chinese or English.
  2. 本學程研究生應於論文計畫提案審查三週前,提出經指導教授簽字同意之碩士論文計劃書。
    Students should turn in their thesis proposal, signed and approved by their advisor, three weeks prior to the thesis proposal review.
  3. 審查委員由指導教授與辦公室主任協調三人擔任,指導教授為當然委員。並由學程辦公室於口試一週前公佈時間、地點及論文題目。
    The thesis proposal review committee is composed of three faculty members of relevant expertise, selected by the advisor and the Program Coordinator, with the advisor serving as ex-officio member.  The Program Office will announce the time, place, and thesis topic to be reviewed one week prior to the review date.
  4. 論文計畫審查通過後至少三個月,方得進行碩士學位考試。
    An interval of three months is required between approval of thesis proposal and the official degree examination.

第7條. 學位考試Degree Examination

  1. 申請學位考試需於各校規定時間內辦理。繳交歷年成績表、論文初稿、論文提要、指導教授推薦函、學位考試委員名冊及學位考試申請表各一份。
    Application to take the degree examination must be submitted to the Program Office before the deadline specified on the academic calendar of respective universities.  Required documents include: one copy of official transcript, one copy of the thesis including an abstract, one recommendation letter from the thesis advisor, Degree Examination Committee member list, as well as the Thesis Defense Application Form.
  2. 學位考試依台聯大系統各校碩士班學位考試規定。
    The degree examination is conducted in accordance with respective University Regulations on Master’s Degree Examinations.

第8條. 學位授予Awarding the Degree
Student who has completed the required master’s degree curriculum and credits, submitted the thesis, and passed the review by the master’s examination committee shall be awarded the master’s degree by the university in which the student is registered.

第9條.  本學程碩士班研究生在規定修業年限內未能通過學位考試,或未能完成應修課程及學分者,應令退學。
Student who failed to pass the degree examination or complete the required master’s degree curriculum and credits within required duration of study is advised to withdraw from the university.

第10條. 本辦法未盡事宜,均依學生學籍所屬學校之「學則」、「碩士學位及博士學位授予作業規章」及相關規定辦理。
All matters not covered by the present by-law shall follow other existing rules in respective universities.

第11條. 本修業辦法由台聯大文化研究國際中心行政會議訂定,經台聯大系統各校課程委員會審查,再送台聯大系統各校教務會議核備後實施,修訂時亦同。
This by-law is passed by the IICS-UST committee and Course Committee Meeting of member universities of the UST; the same procedure applies to all amendments.