美國史坦頓島學院的特聘教授莎拉.舒蔓是著名的小說家、劇作家、製片家,也是女同性戀權益行動份子。她擅長以美國的現實來撰寫具有挑戰力的政治小說和性小說,已出版17本專書,4齣舞台劇,發表數千篇社會議題文章。她的作品曾獲美國圖書館協會石牆最佳專書獎兩次,提名女同志文學獎兩次,並列名最佳百本同志書獎。誕生於紐約的猶太移民家庭,舒蔓的家族記憶浸泡在血腥屠殺、創傷及不斷遷徙裡,這樣的家族經驗促使她深信,高舉種族或宗教的至聖理想正是造成法西斯主義及種族清洗的最大原因。同時具備猶太人及女同志的邊緣生命經驗,舒蔓在大學時期就相當活躍的參與女性社團,積極支持女性墮胎權,反對絕育措施的濫用。1987年,她投身於愛滋直接行動基進組織ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power),成為早年愛滋運動的重要成員。同年,舒蔓創立了紐約同志實驗電影節,至今不衰。1992年舒蔓和同伴發起「拉子復仇者」組織(Lesbian Avengers),推動「女生愛女生」拉子遊行(Dyke March)。2001年起,舒蔓和友人創立了ACT UP口述歷史計畫,訪談愛滋初期感染者和朋友們如何抗議美國政府的漠視,迫使政府正視愛滋疫情,後來完成紀錄片United in Anger,全球放映,目前已經上網,歡迎觀看。舒蔓近期積極聲援巴勒斯坦酷兒計劃。2009年她斷然拒絕前往以色列特拉維夫大學(Tel Aviv University)LGBT研究會議發表主題演講的邀請,反而加入由一群藝術家及學者為了呼籲關注巴勒斯坦被以色列占領的人權現況所發起的非暴力BDS(Boycott、Divestment and Sanction抵制/撤資/制裁)行動。隨後,舒蔓更前往以巴兩地,與當地反對以色列占領行動的酷兒組織者互動交流,並進一步發現以色列利用經濟上支持同志影展及遊行所打造出來的「同志友善」形象,與否認巴勒斯坦人擁有基本權利的情況相互矛盾。回到美國之後,借重在運動圈豐富的經驗,Schulman更積極的為旅程中認識且信賴的巴勒斯坦酷兒運動者促成了一趟巡迴參訪及演講(又稱Al-Tour),並持續加入抗議,要求以色列結束對巴勒斯坦的佔領。回顧舒蔓的運動生涯,無論是1980年代的愛滋感染者到當下巴勒斯坦人的困難處境,她不斷用肉身與處於危險狀態的群體並肩攜手戰鬥,開展酷兒地域性、議題性的政治論述空間。以草根群眾為運動根據地的舒蔓曾經說:「你不需要大部分的人幫你推動社會典範的改變,你只需要一群具煽動性的群眾(You don’t need a majority for paradigm shifts; you need a critical mass)。」舒蔓自己則跨越族群、性/別、階級的運動光譜,穿越重重堆疊的污名符碼,試圖將自身打造成一個交流的平台,讓人們更容易地獲得不同的訊息及想法,並且依照自己的意識進一步參與社會改造。
Sarah Schulman’s novel, The Mere Future, is set in a utopian (or dystopic) future vision of New York City after “The Big Change.” Rent is cheap, homelessness is a thing of the past, and the only job left is marketing. Advertising no longer appears in public but in the privacy of one’s home; chain stores and homogenous culture disappear, and a rugged individualism triumphs. Despite the utopian surface, there is a disturbing malaise that infects the population. In this informal lecture, Sarah will be reading from her novel and conducting discussions with students.
【課堂對話】AIDS Activism
2016年3月1日(二)下午3時 | 中壢中央大學文學一館A108
In recent years, global responses to the AIDS epidemic have been dominated by biomedical approaches such as ‘test and treat’ or ‘treatment as prevention’, promising an ‘AIDS-free generation’ by 2030 through the scale-up of mass testing and treatment uptakes. Under this technocratic directive, HIV/AIDS, itself a complex social construct imbued with stigma, oppression and resistance, has become massively de-politicized. In this guest lecture, Sarah Schulman will talk about her involvement in AIDS activism in the pre-meds era and her work on documenting the history of ACT UP. Underpinning the aesthetics and politics of AIDS activism, Schulman’s witnessing of AIDS will provide students with a historical perspective through which to critically engage with the present regime of biomedical control.
【課堂對話】Queer Literature
2016年3月4日(五)下午3時 | 中壢中央大學文學一館A108
In this course on twentieth-century American Literature, Sarah will talk on post-Stonewall queer literature to give students a more grounded understanding of how issues of identity (politics), AIDS activism, and sexualities figure in queer writers during the past few decades and how these issues and modes/forms of representations depart from previous generations of gay writers such as Baldwin and Isherwood.